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About The Trip

Chaburah Spotlight: Risa Harris August 13, 2021

Risa Harris is from Queens NY, and attended SKA for high school, followed by a year in Michlalah. She is currently entering her junior year in Stern college. This is Risa’s second summer on Michlelet and first as a madricha.

Risa’s chaburah is titled “2 for 10: Turning the Camp Lessons into Life Lessons”- bringing the personal development that two months of camp can offer into the other ten months of the year. Risa’s chaburah focuses on cultivating a strong foundation of emunah and bitachon and using this as a basis for developing our middos. Each chaburah has a different camp theme, such as “driving the golf cart” or “color war”, that teach a life lesson such as bitachon or achdus.

Risa’s incredible chanichot are: Tali (SKA), Leah (Naaleh), Tehilla (Hannah Saks), Bella (Tiferes), Shira (Hadar), and Tali (Bruriah).

Leah Goldfischer:
My favorite part of michlelet is the full day tiyulim because it allows me to experience adventurous activities while further immersing myself in the Israeli culture and connect to my Jewish Pride.

Bella Remer:
My favorite part of Michlelet is the atmosphere you feel when you walk in. The positive energy that radiates throughout the building is contagious and adds to the growth oriented mindset that everyone shares.

Tali Finkelstein:
My favorite thing about michlelet is that it allows us to take charge of our summer by giving us opportunities to choose which activities and trips we want to participate in.

Tali Schimmel:
my favorite parts about camp are forming connections with both other girls and madrichot and learning more about myself.

Tehilla Garden:
My favorite thing about camp is spending time with my friends

Shira Amster:
my favorite thing about camp is the night speakers, they inspire me every night.